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Magic the Gathering MTG Nemesis booster box contains 36 booster packs with 15 cards each. Released on February 14, 2000, Nemesis is the third set in the Masquerade block. Its expansion symbol is an axe. Nemesis is set on the plane of Rath. The set contains 143 black-bordered cards (44 rare, 44 uncommon, and 55 commons, about every 100th card is a randomly inserted premium foil card). Of the 143 in Nemesis none is a reprint. 22 cards from Nemesis have been reprinted afterwards, 16 in Core Sets. Seal of Fire and Seal of Doom were reprinted in Dissension, Defiant Vanguard as a timeshifted card in Time Spiral, and the remaining three cards as a part of special limited edition duel decks.
The Phyrexian invasion of Dominaria is nearing; the Dark Lord's plans are almost complete. Only the Planeswalker Urza stands in his way. At the same time, Yawgmoth's Inner Circle decides on the election of the evincar to replace Volrath. The Phyrexian emissary Belbe has to choose between Greven Il-Vec, Ertai, Crovax, and the newly-returned Volrath.
Nemesis prerelease events were held on February 5, 2000. At these events the prerelease card, a foil Rathi Assassin, was handed out. The set was officially released on February 14, 2000. Nemesis had a fair share of cards appear in well-placing tournament decks. Many of the cards with Fading were quite powerful; the cards Parallax Wave, Parallax Tide, Blastoderm, Saproling Burst, and Tangle Wire all appeared in decks in various formats.
In Nemesis, new Rebels, Mercenaries, and Spellshapers were added to the Mercadian Masques repertoire. The Flowstone creatures, originally introduced in Stronghold had another showing. Other mechanics include:
Fading — Normal permanents enter the battlefield and stay there until removed, cards with Fading only have a limited lifespan. Fading always appears on Magic cards as "Fading X". A card with Fading X stays on the battlefield for X full turns after the turn it entered the battlefield, and is afterwards put into the graveyard.
Seals — This is a cycle (one card in each color) of enchantment cards that have no immediate effect on play when cast. They can be sacrificed for an effect, though.
Free spells — Nemesis further explores the idea of spells that can cast for an alternate cost, not involving mana. This was first introduced in Alliances and was also a mechanic used in Mercadian Masques.
Laccolith creatures vertical cycle — This is a kind of beast that can deal their combat damage immediately upon becoming blocked, meaning that these creatures can deal damage even before creatures with First Strike. The Laccolith only appear in red. |